Florida Financial and Insurance Group

Save Money in Retirement with
Proper Tax Planning
Taxes can be the single greatest expense people face when they retire. An important part of keeping your money safe is protecting it from unnecessary tax burdens.
One of the keys to a tax efficient retirement is to remember: Not all money is taxed the same.
Diversify your tax plan and start proactively planning today to mitigate taxes in the future.
Let us provide you with the planning strategies you need to maximize your income and minimize your taxes
Remember: it’s not just what you earn, but what you keep.
Do You Know....?​
What your tax bracket is, and how it is likely to change in retirement, or after the loss of a spouse?
What is the difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit, and which one is best for you?
Should you use the standard deduction, or be itemizing?
How long do you need to keep tax returns? (Hint: it's not always just 3 years!)
How can you pay less taxes, and not get in trouble with the IRS?

Year-round tax planning is key to finding the most deductions you may be able to claim on your tax return, so you keep on top of your taxes and avoiding a panic at tax time.
We are your tax planning specialists. Minimizing your tax liability is our main objective. We will assess your current situation and implement tax planning methods including various saving strategies to ensure you’re taking full advantage of all the latest tax laws and deductions you are eligible for while keeping you in compliance with the IRS.
For most people, preparing their yearly individual income tax return is no fun. There’s the worry that the forms were filled out incorrectly. You may ask yourself, “Am​ I missing a deduction, am I underpaying – or even worse, overpaying? It’s not uncommon to see new or changed regulations from one year to the next – and that can be even more daunting to the individual taxpayer.
Perhaps it’s time to turn the taxing task of doing your own taxes over to a financial advisor who offers expert tax preparation services!